Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"My Journey to became a midwife!"

My journey starts with my birth story. As I sit down to type this it's all coming back as if it was yesterday. The heartbreak, the sadness and the tears.

                                                       My Birth Story!!!

I was pregnant with our 7th child. At almost 35 weeks on Sunday June 26, 2005 I noticed that this very active baby boy who has been waking me up in the mornings didn't wake me up. We were getting ready for church and I told Mark (my husband) that I was wondering why the baby didn't wake me up. We decided to go on to church and if the baby didn't move by time church was over with I was going to call the doctor. Church was over with and still no baby moving. So I called the doctor on our way home. The doctor on call, said drink a soda and eat a candy bar then lay down on left side and if baby doesn't move in a few hours call the labor floor. I got off the phone and called the labor floor right away the nurse said she felt like I needed to come in right away to make sure everything was okay. So off the hospital we went. After 45 minutes on the monitors and a 30 minute ultrasounds. They said baby was in distress and 30 minutes later I was having my first c-section. Our son Nathan had his cord around his neck three times and the other end was in a complete knot.

Dec. 2006 we found out that I was pregnant with our 8th child. I was told right away that I had no choice but to have another c-section. That there was nobody in Oklahoma who would do a VBAC anymore because it is just to dangerous. I trusted that the doctor was being honest with me. So on Aug. 15, 2007 I had my second c-section. When our daughter Hannah was two months old we found out that I could have had a VBAC. I was heartbroken that I had another c-section for no reason. I decided right then I was going to start doing my research. So if I got pregnant again I would be ready and prepared.

In Oct. 2009 we found out that I was pregnant with our 9th child. I knew for sure I wasn't going to use a doctor this time. Mark & I meet with different midwives. We both knew right away after meeting one of my midwives Margarett that Heaven Sent Births was the place for us. Margarett and Anne were amazing support during my pregnancy! Then at the end our little guy decided he wanted to turn and walk his way into the world. On June 22, 2010 heartbroken again here I was having my 3rd c-section. I was very heartbroken that I didn't get my VBAC but I know it was best for our son Caleb. Anne was great support she meet us at the hosptial and stayed with us. Even when I was in a very bad mood, so upset and so sad. Then later Margarett and Anne both came to see us. I didn't get my VBAC but I had the best care ever. They are two very incredibly amazing women who inspired me to became a midwife. I want other mama's to feel the way they made me feel. 

Thank You Margarett & Anne! I greatly appreciate having you too has my midwives!
You ladies are really AWESOME!!!  I truly love you both!

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